NATM Reflection and Interests!
Our Presentation
Overall, the presentation went pretty well, and a lot of people seemed to be interested in our project. However, we did get some constructive criticism on things we could do better.
I was in charge of presenting our product to people more interested in the technical side of the project rather than the agriculture side, Tirth was in charge of presenting the product to people more interested in the agricultural side, Ryan showcased the demo, and Sreeja initated conversation with people and got them hooked to our presentation. We all performed our duties fairly well, however I feel like we maybe should’ve worked to create a better, more cleaned up demo. Getting the cash system working would’ve been a start.
- Good proof of concept, idea of game very good. Simulation, while it could’ve been more fleshed out for this demo, people had lots of fun planting corn!
- Good presentation style, very approachable. Specialized presentations were a good idea.
- Add something in sim screen to show data being updated, too static.
- Need to add more crops than just corn.
- Having the cash working would’ve been a nice touch.
- UI needed to be cleaned up.
Someone demo-ing our project
Elsewhere in CSA
I saw lots of interesting and cool projects other teams built as well, one of my favorites being a Pokemon type game created by Luna’s 6 person group.
The game world being demo-ed to a group of people
Like us, this group decided to work with the Phaser.js framework/engine, and they did a great job with getting their game world up and cleaned up for the presentation. I have to say, I can’t wait to see what they do next!
Non-CS Projects
My favorite piece outside of class had to be in 2D Studio Art, where someone drew a really nice photo of one of my favorite cars, the Porsche 911. Overall, this clas snever fails to impress me with their output, and their work is always top grade.