CPT plan
For my create performance task, I will be creating an arcade game (see subpage for demo screen), and I will be doing the leaderboard as well. For the video, I’ll be showcasing the arcade game by answering some questions, as that is my main tangible contribution. It’s going to take input via button clicks, and it will pull randomized data from an API for the questions. I may need an API for different trivia questions, and I may need a randomizer python library.
Demo Screen
This is a very rough idea of what the quiz will look like. I plan to add a life and score count, along with better styling, but the core gameplay idea is the same. There will be a question displayed, and the user has to click the right answer.
CB Criteria
Program Purpose and Function
The purpose of my program is to not only entertain, but also provide users with facts about various topics. I will do this with a trivia game like game.
Data Abstraction
This game will effectively use lists and other methods of data abstraction. For one, there will be a list that will have the questions the user got correct and incorrect, so at the end of the game, the user can see what they got right and wrong. I will do this by proccessing whether or not the user got the question correct, then there will be code that takes the question and appends it to the correct list. The list will be reset every time a new game session is
Managing Complexity
I plan to use lists to store the correct and incorrect answers, and this will be much more versatile, modular, and efficient than having a variable that is ever-changing. I will be using the random Python library in order to manage complexity, along with using Trivia Questions RapidAPI.
Procedural Abstarction
In my game, I plan to use many different student-developed procedures. For one, I plan to develop a procedure called randomQuestion, and this will be a simple procedure that pulls a random question from a Trivia RapidAPI I plan to use. Another procedure this game will use is questionCheck. This will check if the button clicked was the correct choice, and each question correct gives 1 point, and each question incorrect removes 1 life.
Algorithm Implementation
I plan to showcase the algorithm that checks for correct and incorrect answers.
I will show myself playing the game and answering a few questions.
CRUD Concepts
- Create: Create the game scenario and questions for the user to answer.
- Read: The game will read what the user put for the answer.
- Update: The game will update the score and randomly pick another ques1tion to display.
- Delete: The game will delete the question recently answered so that it could be replaced by another question.
Video Outline
For the video, I want to cover these bases:
- Initialization of the game instance.
- How answering questions and input works.
- What happenes when a point is gained or when you lose the game.
Overall, I have what I need to do cut out for me. The most stressful thing is going to be working on the backend and doing troubleshooting. For the CPT, I’m most concerned about implementing the lists for correct and incorrect answers. It’s still mostly conceptual and I still need to think about what resources I will need to do that. Once that’s done, I feel like everything will fall into place.