Proof of Completion:

Test Corrections:

Question 1:

I got this answer wrong becasue the values for A would technically work, as it would just display the value of z. The correct answer is D. I am still a little confused as to why it is this way, so I will be studying up on the suggested topic.

Question 2:

I chose the answer B because I thought that what was stopping the code from working was the lack of code denoting an index. Although now, I can see the correct answer is C, because as it stands, every time the loop runs it sets the count variable to 0, creating an infinite loop. In order to fix this, you need to set the statement on line 5 to between lines 2 and 3.

Question 8:

I got this answer wrong for two reasons. For one, I didn’t click two answers, and secondly, the one answer I did click was incorrect. The correct answers were A and D. A was correct because if the difference between the two variables was 0, then that would mean the values are exactly the same. The same sort of logic goes for D, where if you add up the two, the answer should be a positive even number.

Question 13:

This question was wrong because the age could be 18 years old exactly for 1. The correct answers were 2 and 3 because those two correctly eliminate all other possibilities.

Question 24:

I got this question wrong because changing n wouldn’t change the amount of times the loop is ran exponentially. The best way I could explain it is by imagining n as 2 for example. After setting n to 2, the inner loop will repeat 2 times, while the outer loop will repeat 3 times. The code will run a total of 3 * 2 times, or 6 times. This is why the correct answer is 3n.

Question 36:

I got this wrong because if target does not appear in a list, the program will accurately display the value 0. The value of count is initialized to 0, and it never changes in the program if target does not appear in the list. A is correct because the variable count is initially set to 0 and is incremented only when the current item in the list (represented by the variable n) equals the value of the variable target.

Question 41:

I got one of the answers, however because I was in a rush I missed the second answer. The se


Overall, I show a decently strong understanding of all the concepts, I just need to review the Collegeboard concepts. Some things I need to work on are not rushing towards the end, as I missed questions because I was in a hurry. Additionally, I need to review the concept of nested loops, as I have a feeling that it is going to be a reoccuring topic on the AP Exam. In order to do better on the AP Exam, I will need to actually watch the Collegeboard videos, as they go over the topics that I had a lack of understanding of duirng the test. Also, I could definetely be a little faster on the questions pretaining to the drawings. I did end up getting them right, but not without spending lots of time trying to visualize everything.