Collegeboard MCQ 3 Corrections/Reflection
Proof of Completion:
Test Corrections:
Question 21:
The correct answer was actually C, as this code is flawed due to the nature of the FOR EACH loop. The way this is strucutred, the first term is actually added up twice. Since the first term in this case is 0, the sum is not affected, as you are simply adding 0 twice. However any non-zero starting point would alter the sum and mess everything up. I failed to see this and that is why I clicked A.
Question 22:
To be honest, I completely missed the bottom code block and the fact that it is not nested, so it should run after it checks for rotating left and right. My original logic was that it would always just keep on rotating, but after further examining the code, I can see why this is not the case. However, for grid 2, the code won’t work because there are two paths for the computer to go, and it chooses to go right instead of left due to the ordering of the code blocks.
Question 29:
I did not understand this problem all that well, and I am still sort of unfamiliar with the way Collegeboard psuedocode assigns variables. However from what I can gather, the first three statements assign values to the variables. The fourth statement assigns the value of (NOT (a OR b)) AND c to a. Since a OR b is true, NOT (a OR b) is false, so (NOT (a OR b)) AND c is false. The fifth statement assigns the value of c AND a to c. Since a is now false, c AND a is false. The last three statements display the values of the variables.
Question 33:
To be honest this was a dumb error. I thought that by repeat once it meant that it would .,run once, then repeat one more time, however I missed that the code running once counts as ONE repeat. Just a nomenclature error but I had the same idea as the correct answer, so not much to correct here.
I believe I am getting much stronger at some of the logic questions, however there are still some technicalities that got me this time around. The wording was very strange on some of these problems, but overall I am starting to see myself achieving mastery on most of these topics.