Collegeboard MCQs
How the Collegeboard MCQs went!
Proof of Completion:
Things I Found Difficult:
- The Pseudo-Code
I found that working with the psuedo-code proved to be a challenge for many reasons. For one, it was something I am not entirely familiar with, as I have had very little exposure and I have never actually used it for anything. Due to this sense of unfamiliarity, figuring out the logic behind certain pieces of code was very challenging for me.
- The Word Problems
Additionally, I found that the word problems were also challenging for me. It felt like they were extremely bloated and there was some useless information for the purpose of throwing me off.
Overall Thoughts
I think that I will definetely need to train myself to learn the CollegeBoard psuedocode a little bit more, as that will for sure show up on the AP exam. Additionally, I will have to get better at seeing the logic in code. In order to do that I must practice to analyze different pieces of code to pick apart their funciton. I should also strive to get better at the word problems, as they gave me quite a lot of trouble.