import requests

url = ""

querystring = {"q":"<REQUIRED>","type":"multi","offset":"0","limit":"10","numberOfTopResults":"5"}

headers = {
	"X-RapidAPI-Key": "0588371053msha6940727d7c83aap107c98jsn19374300bf1d",
	"X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

response1 = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)

Music = response1.json().get("albums")
Songs = list(Music.items())
for key, value in Songs:
	print(key, value)
totalCount 28
items [{'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:1rVhockt4RAiZFaK3M3zPB', 'name': 'No Jacket Required (2016 Remaster)', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:4lxfqrEsLX6N1N4OCSkILp', 'profile': {'name': 'Phil Collins'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 1985}}}, {'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:7avlHipAwnKsxcXwC9Wpin', 'name': 'No Jacket Required (Deluxe Edition)', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:4lxfqrEsLX6N1N4OCSkILp', 'profile': {'name': 'Phil Collins'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 1985}}}, {'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:3JalRx7hoyAC7pyoc7aaw7', 'name': 'Some Assembly Required', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:1dwRnam2taNMv8H3VR6isd', 'profile': {'name': 'Assembly of Dust'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 2009}}}, {'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:5gxL1YPTDUtyUG2Qp3wVO0', 'name': 'Required Etiquette Vol. 1', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:0LyfQWJT6nXafLPZqxe9Of', 'profile': {'name': 'Various Artists'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 2014}}}, {'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:53aQdegVPKq4MgSGgCQuLz', 'name': 'No Faith Required', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:4DMlDJn7CPSSS0DuUf1vrH', 'profile': {'name': 'Snowy White'}}, {'uri': 'spotify:artist:5zRIFTHDQwGWKZ7z61fFKb', 'profile': {'name': 'The White Flames'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 1996}}}, {'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:0BbeoTXqQv0qKki6CDcznI', 'name': 'Disassembly Required (Teaser Original Soundtrack)', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:0yXeAQirPMVzAlhxGvux1s', 'profile': {'name': 'Liam Vickers'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 2021}}}, {'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:1nYOe3S7pWbZwbzS92IScH', 'name': 'Required Repertoire for the 46th PTNA Piano Competition 2022, Vol. 1', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:0LyfQWJT6nXafLPZqxe9Of', 'profile': {'name': 'Various Artists'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 2022}}}, {'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:3xEUUVwjNVvTaHQjcpea8O', 'name': 'Assembly Required', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:6ytGxUYeXamODJwiXuZvjO', 'profile': {'name': 'Olivia Penalva'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 2022}}}, {'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:55bIeFDVLsLwa3WEnSJe0C', 'name': 'No Fantasy Required', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:5l9wiTZVfqQTfMDOt0HtwC', 'profile': {'name': 'Tiga'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 2016}}}, {'data': {'uri': 'spotify:album:2ZNhj2qao5CEasrS2NH45J', 'name': 'No Assembly Required', 'artists': {'items': [{'uri': 'spotify:artist:70BRQ5tBte6kVqHviL3srE', 'profile': {'name': 'Pieces Of A Dream'}}]}, 'coverArt': {'sources': [{'url': '', 'width': 300, 'height': 300}, {'url': '', 'width': 64, 'height': 64}, {'url': '', 'width': 640, 'height': 640}]}, 'date': {'year': 2004}}}]
import requests
from sqlalchemy import values

url = ""

querystring = {"lon":"-82.996216","lat":"40.367474","units":"imperial"}

headers = {
	"X-RapidAPI-Key": "0588371053msha6940727d7c83aap107c98jsn19374300bf1d",
	"X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)

print("Ohio Weather")
weatherData = response.json().get("data")
OHweather = list(weatherData[0].items())
for key, value in OHweather:
	print(key, value)
Ohio Weather
app_temp 70.4
aqi 46
city_name Kilbourne
clouds 7
country_code US
datetime 2022-10-11:20
dewpt 40.7
dhi 93.3
dni 784.3
elev_angle 29.6
ghi 474.34
gust 14.5
h_angle 45
lat 40.3675
lon -82.9962
ob_time 2022-10-11 20:30
pod d
precip 0
pres 988
rh 33
slp 1021.00433
snow 0
solar_rad 474.3
sources ['rtma']
state_code OH
station G1320
sunrise 11:39
sunset 22:58
temp 72
timezone America/New_York
ts 1665520235
uv 3.0414183
vis 9.3
weather {'code': 800, 'icon': 'c01d', 'description': 'Clear sky'}
wind_cdir S
wind_cdir_full south
wind_dir 177
wind_spd 9.9